Causes and Socio-Economic Implications of Youth Restiveness in Maiduguri Metropolis


  • Sule Ahmadu Mai Idris Alooma Polytechnic


Causes, Socio-Economic, Implications, Youth, Restiveness.


Youth restlessness in Maiduguri metropolis is a hot topic for conversation in the social, economic, and political spheres. It is evident that with restless youth, Maiduguri cannot prosper and make meaningful development. This issue is so common that it poses a threat to the city’s business survival, peace, and security. Among other things, the absence of basic and inadequate infrastructure, poor social amenities, and unemployment are linked to the causes of young restiveness. Youth restiveness has a negative impact that can be seen in the city in form of robberies, kidnappings, cults, agitations, and engagement in societal unrest. The root causes and implications of youth restlessness have fostered uncertainty, which has caused fear, failure, and underdevelopment in the hitherto home of peace. This investigation upholds the hypothesis that in order to manage youth in the city, their abilities, skills, and education need to be acknowledged, supported, and directed towards the appropriate societal sector in order to promote growth and sustainable development. The present study examined the discourse around youth restiveness in Maiduguri and offered suggestions for the efficient organization and accountability of the government to mitigate the escalating incidence of youth restiveness in the city


