Exploring the Long-Term Effectiveness of Gamified Approaches in Computer Science Education
Computer Science Education, Computing Education, Gamification, Gamified Computing Education, Engagement, Artificial Intelligence, Long-term effectiveness.Abstract
The idea of gamification, which entails incorporating gaming elements into non-gaming scenarios, has garnered extensive attention as a potential strategy to enrich engagement and educational outcomes across various sectors, including the field of computer Science. This study examined the long-term effectiveness of gamified techniques in computer science education by reviewing journal articles from reputable scholarly repositories like as Scopus, Web of Science, JSTOR, Taylor and Francis, Google Scholar, ERIC, and other academic sources published between 2014 and 2024. Through an examination of literature from the past decade, this methodology aims to pinpoint trends, advantages, obstacles, and the implications of sustained application of gamification in computing education. The study emphasizes the need of ongoing research and novel techniques for maximizing the long-term advantages of gamified learning experiences.